
Ad van Loon

Ad van Loon (1961) is an Associate Partner at Hooghiemstra & Partners. In addition, he is President of the Qiy Foundation. The Qiy Foundation manages a system for the exchange of personal data under the control of the individual. As Lead of the Work Stream on "Governance, Rules & Regulations", Ad coordinates the further development of this system with regard to these topics.

Within our office, Ad shapes and contributes to the European and international dimensions of our strategic management and legal advisory practice.

Ad has broad international experience in media and competition policy, telecoms policy, rights management and data protection. He advised international organizations, worked at the Council of Europe, at the University of Sergio Arboleda in Bogota, as Adjunct Professor of Law at the New York Law School, in Brussels and in Kiev. He also acted as a judge in the final rounds of the annual Price Media Law Moot Court at the University of Oxford for many years. He did research at the Institute for Information Law in Amsterdam and at the University of Melbourne.

Article about EU digital strategy

Ad van Loon
Associated Partner

Our Team

Theo Hooghiemstra

Helen Hukshorn

Marlies van Eck

Thijs Drouen

Mariette Lokin
Principal Consultant

Walter van Holst
Principal Consultant

Lisanne Kramer
Senior Advisor

Renée Dekker

Wimmy Choi

Anna Keuning

Lieve Smeets

Riëlle Osepa

Robin Verhoef

Anna Visser
Manager Bedrijfsvoering- en Secretariaat

Lena Lopez
Junior Secretaresse

Elles van geest
Associated Partner

Pieter Ippel
Associated Partner

Wouter Van Haaften
Associated Partner

Ad van Loon
Associated Partner

Ingrid Morrema
Geassocieerd Partner