About us

Walter van Holst

Walter van Holst has been a senior consultant at Hooghiemstra and Partners since January 1th 2020. Walter has a background in business administration (information management) and as an IT lawyer (specializing in data protection law and IT contracts, among other things). He has extensive experience with interdisciplinary issues at the interface of law, IT and society, including management issues in the field of computerization and customer-supplier relationships (in particular outsourcing relationships). Within our firm, Walter provides strategic and legal advice to organizations in the public and private domain. He thereby combines his legal, technical and organizational knowledge to achieve workable results.

Walter worked from 2003 to 2017 as an IT legal adviser at an interdisciplinary agency specialized in procurement issues, outsourcing and strategic-legal guidance for start-ups. In that capacity, he supervised the contracting of a number of large IT outsourcing services for health and care insurance parties, including related data protection issues. He has also regularly published on IT legal issues, including data protection, open source software licenses and IT contracts.

From 2018 to 2019, Walter was a senior consultant at PBLQ, where he was involved in a number of strategic processes in the context of smart mobility and smart cities


Walter van Holst
Principal Consultant


Our Team

Theo Hooghiemstra

Helen Hukshorn

Marlies van Eck

Thijs Drouen

Mariette Lokin
Principal Consultant

Walter van Holst
Principal Consultant

Lisanne Kramer
Senior Advisor

Renée Dekker

Wimmy Choi

Anna Keuning

Lieve Smeets

Riëlle Osepa

Robin Verhoef

Anna Visser
Manager Bedrijfsvoering- en Secretariaat

Lena Lopez
Junior Secretaresse

Elles van geest
Associated Partner

Pieter Ippel
Associated Partner

Wouter Van Haaften
Associated Partner

Ad van Loon
Associated Partner

Ingrid Morrema
Geassocieerd Partner