Robin Verhoef
At Hooghiemstra & Partners, Robin focuses on data analytics, AI and law. He advises on how statistical and technical applications such as risk profiling, can comply with the AVG and fundamental rights.
As a data scientist and lawyer, he is skilled in Data Science, Machine Learning and AI application design as well as in the legal system and the interrelationship between law and technology. This makes him the ideal interpreter/translator in projects where lawyers and technologists need to understand each other to achieve responsible innovations. Robin is also one of the trainers at our in-company training courses and conducts algorithm audits.
Expertise: GDPR | AI | Machine Learning | AI Act | data science | non-discrimination | integer programming
Robin first completed a bachelor's degree in Data Science, and then switched to law school, which he completed with a master's degree in Law and Technology at Tilburg University. He was awarded the Hans Franken Prize in 2023 for his thesis in which he studied technical methods to combat discrimination. Then, he returned to TU Eindhoven for the master's in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. His thesis was about the possibility of property learning in games with competitive players (‘inverse optimisation of integer programming games’).
Besides his studies, Robin worked at a law firm as a student assistant AI and data, among others, and was treasurer of study association D.S.A. Pattern. For this association, he organised a Law Meets Data Science event in 2018.
Robin Verhoef
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